[↓ save ~10% keystrokes ↓ ] -_- [↓↓to shorten urls with [#|ENTER] →1kg.de ]
keySstroke = hiting 2 adjacent keys, even if they are staggered.
you can set up
→ ~130 keySstrokes with the printable characters via a fast advanced setup
→ ~30 keySstrokes with special keys e.g. [F5|6] via •try and error or •a double setup
the double setup is too requiered, if your keyboard doesn't supports the technique
highlight an url, path, code, multilign text or single line macro
hit you desired ascii key combination
seperate the output with "space & space" e.g. 1 & 2
The keySstroke shortcuts with one or two special keys → /k#eys
note: if there is something assigned to the special key, you can't use this key on the 1st position in the input box, because this will trigger 1st the assigned action
ctrl Rctrl shift Rshift rwin lwin alt ralt ins del capslock esc up down right left PgUp PgDn F1 numpad1 Browser_Back b._Forward .._Refresh .._Stop .._Search .._Favorites .._home Volume_Down Volume_Up Media_Next Media_Prev Media_Stop Media_Play_Pause Launch_Mail Launch_Media Launch_App1 Launch_App2
To type faster
the percentage depends on your language and the sequences sent by your keyboard
German: "er" -3,2% "de" -2,4% "zu" -0,4% "as" -0,4%
you can save -3,6% by setting up an "en" key e.g. change capslock::@ to capslock::send en
A keyboard who supports the technique → illuminated keyboard from speedlink ~19,95€
to shorten urls with a keySstroke on [#|ENTER] e.g. on german + british keyboards
•your keyboard must support the technique and must send the sequence "# before ENTER"
¹→ set the cursor to the end of your desired url in the address bar
²→ hit [#|ENTER]
you can use too the idn domain ► ↓.tk ◄ ( ↓ typed [ALT] +25 )