3 Fb* URLs via a [F|g] keySstroke -_- *Facebook, insta, whatsapp

installer [ +.exe  ]  [ + cv mfg+.exe  ]   ↓other version↓ -_- in german  anderer Weg

there are up to 135 keysstroke  shortCUTs possible (beside 11k 2key shortcuts)

The setup part shows also the multiclipboard feature:  4 values inserted one after another with shortcuts

The setup :
¹ highlight click on www.fb.me
² [F6]  = initial hotkey
³ activate the |multiple targets| tab
⁴ [backspace]  removes x & y
⁵ pasting: Ctrl+V [tab] [tab] ALT+1 [tab] Alt+2 [tab] ALT+3
⁶ [ok]


not in the video:
Copying: ALT+F1 ALT+F2 ALT+F3 Ctrl+C -_- NOTE:  Ctrl+C @ the end is important if you need 4 strings

The multiple targets tab -_- url → 11m.de/gui

* -if the 64bit installer doesn't work,( is not a valid win32 app..) you forgot that there is  an unusual 32 bit windows installed

+ Trick to shorten URLs by inserting # (or ? )  → 1kg.de#_or_addressTRICK.tk
cv mfg+
[C|V] keySstroke to 2 corona statistic sites
mfg+ hotstring  outputs a german signature with the date in 3 lines

11m.de/i.exe   smallest installer with a 32bit AutoHotkey.exe from 2011
i'm still using this version on my 2nd computer

⁰  =virustotal (google service) scan (up to 4 red false positive are ok)

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