↓TYPING↓ -_- ↓↓TRICK to shorten URLs with 2 instead of 4 steps↓↓ -_- /d#l
you can setup ~ 80 KEYSsstroke shortCUTs (+ 11k 2key shortcuts + ∞HOTstrings)
You can open up to 3 browser windows on 3 different positions → input: X:\portableBrowserX\x.exe http://Url
The setup part shows also the multiclipboard feature: 4 values inserted one after another with shortcuts
The setup :
¹ highlight click on www.fb.me
² [F6] = initial hotkey
³ activate the |multiple targets| tab
⁴ [backspace] removes x & y
⁵ pasting: Ctrl+V [tab] ALT+1 [tab][tab][tab] Alt+2 [tab] ALT+3
⁶ [ok]
not in the video:
Copying: ALT+F1 ALT+F2 ALT+F3 Ctrl+C -_- NOTE: Ctrl+C @ the end is important if you need 4 strings
The multiple targets tab -_- url → 11m.de/gui
* -if the 64bit installer doesn't work,( is not a valid win32 app..) you forgot that there is an unusual 32 bit windows installed
+ Trick to shorten URLs by inserting # (or ? ) → 1kg.de#_or_addressTRICK.tk
[C|V] keySstroke to 2 corona statistic sites
mfg+ hotstring outputs a german signature with the date in 3 lines
3 Multi clipboards Copy: ALT + F1 F2 F3 Paste: ALt + 1 2 3
you can copy 4 values CTRL + C + V must be behind the multi clipboard copying and before the multi clipboard pastings
-_- INSTALLER [ +.exe ⁰ ] [ + cv mfg+.exe ⁰ ] -_- DE anderer Weg
KEYSstroke typing
on a few keyboards you can use the keySstroke technique to type some
character sequences faster e.g. ~25 number s. + ~8 letter s. as we er zu kl de fr ko
img: 2 + 0 pushed 20 before appearing fully -_- VID: 8sec
if the above typing technique works and your de or gb keyboard sends # ENTER
you can shorten URLs with the following steps in the address bar
¹ doubleclick 2 behind .de → 1kg.de/2/3 also possible /
² [#|ENTER] keySstroke 1kg.de/#/3 = 1kg.de
if your keybord sends ENTER # or a mix
roll your fingertip left to right whilst pushing the keys
1st keySStroke streetART appaerance 2011
https://web.archive.org/web/20111026220859im_/http://4rtist.com/ks.jpg -_- 11m.de/ks