;-_- HELP section shortCUTTER.tk -_- by 4rtist.com based on the open source AutoHotKey.com + ahk_L project ;if you found this CODE-page @ google, switch to 1mm.de, it describes better the shortCUTr.tk#_app ;##### ADDITIONAL code ###### ;-_- place code snippets from 1mm.de/code @ the end of this file or create a new "x.ahk" file ;##### code + shortcut modifications ###### ; --__-- you can remove ;-_- the blank lines ;-_- "; comment " lines ( starting with " ; " ) ;-_- message boxes ;the most shortcuts you can define in one line -> 1mm.de/trim but it doesnt´t optimizes the script fuctions ;END HELP section #singleinstance force ; " keep " -> " &:: + & : " prevents incompliet shortcuts Menu,Tray,NoStandard Menu,Tray,add,&EDIT your shortcuts after a double click on the H tray icon`; at the bottom of the file,EDIT Menu,Tray,Default,&EDIT your shortcuts after a double click on the H tray icon`; at the bottom of the file Menu,Tray,add,&shortCUTTER.tk -key names -help -tips , x+y Menu,Tray,add,&exit,exit return exit: exitapp EDIT: Run Notepad %A_ScriptFullPath% Return x+y: ; = tray menu link run http://1mm.de return f6:: AutoTrim Off ClipboardOld = %ClipboardAll% Clipboard = Send ^c ClipWait 1 if ErrorLevel return StringReplace, copied, Clipboard, ``, ````, All ; Do this replacement first to avoid interfering with the others below. StringReplace, copied, copied, `r`n, ``r, All ; Using `r works better than `n in MS Word, etc. StringReplace, copied, copied, `n, ``r, All StringReplace, copied, copied, %A_Tab%, ``t, All StringReplace, copied, copied, `;, ```;, All Clipboard = %ClipboardOld% gui , -MaximizeBox -MinimizeBox AlwaysOnTop Gui, Add, GroupBox, x3 y-2 h188 w394, gui, font, s10, Verdana Gui, Add, Text, x6 y10 cblue,type an "one after another key" shortcut * Gui, Add, Edit, x293 y8 w50 h20 voaa Gui, Add, Text, x346 y10 w25 cblue,i.e. Gui, Add, Text, x371 y10 w23 cblue , sc\ Gui, Add, Text, x6 y32 w300 cred, or modify the "2 key together" shortcut ** Gui, Add, Edit, x293 y31 w100 h20 cred v2k,x & y Gui, Add, Text, x9 y51 w386 cred,You can use too a single key above i.e. INS Numpad6 up gui, font,, Arial Gui, Add, Text, x9 y70 w380 cgreen, urls :// pathes :/ :\ calto:// or multiline text Gui, Add, Edit, x7 y88 w385 h20 cgreen v1,%copied% Gui, Add, Edit, x7 y111 w188 h20 v2, Gui, Add, Edit, x204 y111 w188 h20 v3, gui, font, bold Gui, Add, Button, x95 y133 w50 h20 cBlue, OK gui, font, underlined cblue Gui, Add, Text, x192 y133 w180 gl , 1mm.de/t#roubleshooting gui, font, norm, Gui, Add,Combobox, x6 y155 w389 h300 , HELP: *1st input field -_- all printable characters + space || |** you can combine all ~107 mouse + keyboard keys.| In this case keep the spaceS and the &| |MOUSE: lbutton mbutton rbutton xbutton1 xbutton2|Function keys: F1 - F24|Numpad0 -9 -dot -enter -sub -add -mult -div|CapsLock NumLock ScrollLock |PgUp PgDn Down Left Right PrintScreen CtrlBreak Pause |up bs+backspace esc tab Ins End Del Home|lctrl lwin lalt lshift rwin ralt APPSkey rctrl rshift | |click the H tray icon for more key names Gui, Show, x10 y130 h192 w400, shortCUTTER.tk - allows to combine all keyboard + mouse keys Return GuiClose: reload Return l: run http://1mm.de/t#roubleshooting return ButtonOK: Gui,Submit,nohide If (oaa = "" && 2k = "x & y" ) { Msgbox,,, you forgot to define a NEW shortcut.`n`n X + Y is still defined. `n`n This window will disappear in ~3 sec.,4 return } Loop , Read , %A_ScriptFullPath% IfInString , A_LoopReadLine, ~%oaa%:: IfInString , A_LoopReadLine, ~%2k%:: { MsgBox,,,your shortcut " %2k% " still exists. `n`n This window will disappear in ~3 sec.,4 return } IfInString, 1, :\ StringReplace, 1,1,%1% ,`nrun %1%, All else IfInString, 1, "http { StringReplace, 1,1,%1% ,`nsend %1%, All IfInString, 1, # StringReplace, 1,1,#,{#},All IfInString, 1, : StringReplace, 1,1,:,{:},All IfInString, 1, + StringReplace, 1,1,+,{+},All IfInString, 1, ! StringReplace, 1,1,+,{!},All } else IfInString, 1, :// StringReplace, 1,1,%1% ,`nrun %1%, All else IfInString, 1, :/ { StringReplace, 1,1,%1% ,`nrun %1%, All StringReplace, 1,1,/,\,all } else { StringReplace, 1,1,%1% ,`nsend %1%, All IfInString, 1, # StringReplace, 1,1,#,{#},All IfInString, 1, : StringReplace, 1,1,:,{:},All IfInString, 1, + StringReplace, 1,1,+,{+},All IfInString, 1, ! StringReplace, 1,1,+,{!},All } StringReplace, 2k, 2k, x & y,, All StringReplace, 2k,2k,%2k% ,~%2k%::, All StringReplace, oaa, oaa, %oaa%,:*:%oaa%::, All StringReplace, 2, 2, %2%, `nrun %2%, All StringReplace, 3, 3, %3%, `nrun %3%, All FileAppend , `n`n%2k%%oaa%, %A_ScriptFullPath% FileAppend , %2%, %A_ScriptFullPath% FileAppend , %1%, %A_ScriptFullPath% FileAppend , %3%, %A_ScriptFullPath% FileAppend , `nreturn, %A_ScriptFullPath% MsgBox,,, --__-- done --__-- `n`nYour shortcut string " %oaa%%2k% " has been added to the end of the .ahk file.`n`nYou can modify shortcuts by clicking the H tray icon.`n`nBoth windows will disappear in ~3 sec.,5 Reload Return ~x & y::run http://1mm.de/t capslock::@ rctrl::send {#}{enter} ~b & space::send {browser_back} ~n & space::send {browser_forward} NumpadSub::WinMinimize A NumpadAdd::WinMaximize A