
[ autoscriptwriter.exe ] [coordinates xy.exe ]  ¹ = google v.t. virus scan

up to date installers with an .exe uploadet  3 2022 @ jottacloud -_- dl as zip ¹

32bit installer.
1mm.de/ +.exe ¹+cv.exe ¹  +cv-mfg+.exe ¹  google v.t. scan: up to 4 false possitive from 90

script files: -.ahk 1kb   =  only 6 lines code
  i.ahk  9kb
+.ahk  + 3 multiclipboards "
+cv.ahk +" + [C|V] keySstroke "
+cv-mfg+.ahk +" +" + mfg+ hotstring "
there are a 64bit (or 32bit) AutoHotkey.exe with the same file name required → included in the dropbox zip file

zip ( .exe .ahk .txt ) p.zip  ─_─    -.zip 

blank exe's :   1.exe     64.exe ← advantage: auto created sample files

For testing purposes use p.zip or -.zip  , or open one of the installers in 7zip or winrar 

List  v1.1 releases autohotkey.com/download/1.1/

NOTE: you can't use the script with an alpha AutoHotKey v2 .exe,  the last  version which i tested is AutoHotkey v1.1.34.04  from 8/23/2022 -_- most recent release shortcut (.url) ¹

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[ installers i.exe ] [ +.exe ¹]  [ +cv64.exe ¹] -_- [ 1.zip = 1.exe ¹ + 1.ahk ] [ uninstall ] .

•  you can assign up to 3 url's/pathes to the ~25 hotkeys, ~11k 2key shortcuts (incl ~130 KEYSstrokes) + the ∞ hotstrings
• the second tab allows to assign multiline T€XT to hotstrings/abbreviations
• you can combine all keyboard  + mouse keys  e.g.   lbutton & rbutton 
• advanced: set up macros @ the end of the "highlight and hit F6.ahk" file
• the app doesn't cause registry changes, so you can use it too on portable devices
move the 2 desktop files and change the target in the "highlight and hit F6.exe.lnk" file  e.g. to X:\highlight....
• you can add more functions to the .ahk file  → o#ptions  → Autohotkey.com/boards
• unicode + idn support
• deactivation: search (WIN + F) for " highlight and hit F6.exe.lnk " and delete the file
• you can open the installers with winrar or open source 7zip

the steps to the GUI↓ ¹→highlight  an url,  path, file, folder, command or multiline text ²→hit the F6 key

 11m.de/gui image by 4rtist.com

[F|G] keySstroke double setup to Facebook,- instagram,- + whatsapp.com

copying: ALT + F1 F2 F3 Ctrl + C   pasting: Ctrl + V  ALT +1 +2 +3  check clipboardS  

on a few keyboards e.g. K120 hp625↓ you can use instead of the double setup an advanced keySstroke setup → default tab 1 & 2 or 2 & 1 [ok]
ALT 1mm.de/2.mp4

the app code you can  view in your browser  +.ahk   +cv.ahk

another way with only the downloaded .exe ▼

►the APP code ◄ ▼

appended: 2 additional fuctions ▼

CREDITS to Lexikos  + Chris Mallet = founder of the AutoHotKey.com#_project
You can view his " only TEXT " coding with more ;comments as hotstring helper

Lexikos brought the unicode support to ahk and he is the head of AutoHotKey in the moment
¹ virustotal scan

  1. CoronaVirus statS via a [C|V] keySstroke Comments Off
  2. /s#imple_GUI 5 Replies
  3. keySstroke shortcuts 7 Replies
  4. 3 Fb* URLs via a [F|g] keySstroke -_- *Facebook, insta, whatsapp 1 Reply