how to:
•copy your text •the ctrl + X trigger will paste the converted text on the cursor position
^u:: ; or ~ctrl & u:: ; Convert text to upper StringUpper Clipboard, Clipboard Send %Clipboard% RETURN ^l:: ; Convert text to lower StringLower Clipboard, Clipboard Send %Clipboard% RETURN ^k:: ; Convert text to capitalized StringUpper Clipboard, Clipboard, T Send %Clipboard% RETURN
Copying + pasting with only one shortcut → replaces the original string
^l:: ;= ctrl + L
Clip_Save:= ClipboardAll
Clipboard:= ""
Send ^c{delete}
StringLower Clipboard, Clipboard
Send %Clipboard%
Len:= Strlen(Clipboard)
Send +{left %Len%}
Clipboard:= Clip_Save
Uppercase replace all* Lower with Upper
Capitalized replace all* Lower with Upper and change Clipboard, Clipboard to Clipboard, Clipboard, T
*via Ctrl + H