[+cv-mfg+.ahk ] [ 64bit installer/archive +cv-mfg+.exe ¹ ] [ 32bit +cv-mfg+.exe ¹ ]
with the following code lines you can trigger with the hotstring "mfg+" a signature with the date
FormatTime, TimeString,, d. MMMM yyyy
send Berlin, den %TimeString% `n`nMit freundlichen Grüßen `n`nRainer Brendel
outputs in 5 lines
¹Berlin, den 7. Mai 2015 ³Mit freundlichen Grüßen ⁵Rainer Brendel
without the parameters after "FormatTime, TimeString,, " you will get on an english os
10:38 PM Thursday, May 07, 2015
→ autohotkey.com/docs/commands/FormatTime.htm
or download the AutoHotKey.chm [.Compiled Help Module(s)]