tray icon

w10 + w11 displays the green [H] tray icon only for a short time in the tray.

To make it permanent visible:
¹click the tray menu ▲
²dragNdrop the Icon back to the tray

Windows 7 + XP
To change icon settings:
    show  hide via .reg file

ALL Click on the arrow in the notification area on the taskbar, and click on "Customize"
Underneath the box with all icons there is a checkbox

Only the H icon: Click/tap on the Behaviors drop down arrow menu to the right of the icon select show icon and notification

TEXT + screenshots


.exe "AutoHotKey_L" searchs for an .ahk file in "documemts" but not in all cases in the same folder
.ahk the file which you can modify, in the best case located in the "(My) Documents" folder
Dialog box "Choose the program you want to open this file" 1) close and click the .exe 2) choose the .exe


the following script copies a selected file to one of the specified pathes e:\ or e:\1

#c:: ; shortcut [WIN] + [c]
clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard
send , ^c
ClipWait,2 ; wait for the text or files to be copied to the clipboard
file = %Clipboard%
Filecopy , %file% , e:\ ; mvoes the file to new location
sleep , 200
exist = %ErrorLevel% ; get the error level 0 = no errors
if exist > 0 ; what to do if there is an error like filename already exists
msgbox %ErrorLevel%

This script displays the #"1″ if the file exists

clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard
send , ^c
ClipWait,2 ; wait for the text or files to be copied to the clipboard
file = %Clipboard%
Filecopy , %file% , e:\ ; mvoes the file to new location
sleep , 200
exist = %ErrorLevel% ; get the error level 0 = no errors
if exist > 0 ; what to do if there is an error like filename already exists
msgbox %ErrorLevel%

Filemove , c:\x.txt , e:\
Filecopy , c:\x.txt , e:\ ,1