; HELP section shortCUTr.de/s#imple -_- © @SeX -_- script/APP based on the Open Source AHKscript.org#_project ; exit the APP via a rightclick on the H tray icon ;if you found this CODE page @ google, switch to 1mm.de/s, it describes better this shortCUTr.de#_/s_version ;##### custum functions ###### ;-_- place code snippets from 1mm.de/code @ the end of this file or create a new "x.ahk" file ; if you run the APP you can access the following multimedia key names by clicking the H tray icon. ;########### -_- MULTIMEDIA KEY names -_- ########## ; Browser_Back B._Forward .._Refresh .._Stop .._Search .._Favorites .._home ; Volume_Mute Volume_Down Volume_Up ; Media_Next Media_Prev Media_Stop Media_Play_Pause ; Launch_Mail Launch_Media Launch_App1 Launch_App2 ;########### NOTE ############# ; the s.exe will not load this help section into the ram, so you can keep it. ; if you run the script, you can access the help section by clicking the H tray icon ; the help page 1mm.de/h you can access with the x & y shortcut or with the link in the H tray menu ; use the notepad search function "ctrl + s" if you intent to change or to delete shortcuts ; --__-- you can remove ;-_- the blank lines ;-_- "; comment " lines starting with " ; " ;-_- 34 lines "additional functions" @ the end ;-_- message boxes msgbox ;+++++++++END HELP section++++++++++ #singleinstance force ;line who prevents incompliet shortcuts &:: & :: Menu,Tray,NoStandard Menu,Tray,add,&EDIT your shortcuts after a double click on the H tray icon`; at the bottom of the file,EDIT Menu,Tray,Default,&EDIT your shortcuts after a double click on the H tray icon`; at the bottom of the file Menu,Tray,add,&shortCUTr.de -key names -help -tips , x+y Menu,Tray,add,&exit,exit return exit: exitapp EDIT: Run Notepad %A_ScriptFullPath% Return x+y: ; = tray menu link run http://1mm.de return f6:: AutoTrim Off ClipboardOld = %ClipboardAll% Clipboard = Send ^c ClipWait 1 if ErrorLevel return StringReplace, copied, Clipboard, ``, ````, All StringReplace, copied, copied, `r`n, ``r, All StringReplace, copied, copied, `n, ``r, All StringReplace, copied, copied, %A_Tab%, ``t, All StringReplace, copied, copied, `;, ```;, All Clipboard = %ClipboardOld% gui, -MaximizeBox -MinimizeBox gui, font, s10, Arial Gui, Add, GroupBox, x3 y-3 w359 h154 , Gui, Add, Text, x9 y7 w348 h18 cblue , define a single key or a different key combination Gui, Add, Edit, x130 y25 w110 h20 cblue v2k, x & y Gui, Add, Text, x9 y57 w348 h25 , url path callto:// multiline text or macro Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y73 w353 h20 cred v1,%copied% Gui, Add, Button, x155 y97 w50 h20 cBlue, OK gui, font, underlined cblue Gui, Add, Text, x245 y97 w90 gl , 1mm.de/h#elp gui, font, norm Gui, Add,Combobox, x6 y122 w354 h300 , HELP + the key names || | you can combine all ~107 mouse + keyboard keys.| keep the spaceS beside the "&"| |MOUSE: lbutton mbutton rbutton xbutton1 xbutton2|Function keys: F1 - F24|Numpad0 -9 -dot -enter -sub -add -mult -div|CapsLock NumLock ScrollLock |PgUp PgDn Down Left Right |PrintScreen CtrlBreak Pause |up bs+backspace esc tab Ins End Del Home|lctrl lwin lalt lshift rwin ralt APPSkey rctrl rshift | |click the H tray icon for the multimedia key names | |online: visit 1mm.de/h via the X & Y shortcut Gui, Show,x21 y130 h156 w365, shortCUTr.de allows ~11k shortcuts e.g. space & 1 `; 1 & Lalt Return l: run http://1mm.de/h#elp return GuiClose: reload Return ButtonOK: Gui,Submit,nohide Loop , Read , %A_ScriptFullPath% IfInString , A_LoopReadLine, ~%2k%:: { Msgbox,,,your shortcut "%2k%" still exists `n`n or you forgot to define a NEW shortcut. `n`n This window will disappear in ~3 sec.,4 return } IfInString, 1, :\ StringReplace, 1,1,%1% ,`nrun %1%, All else IfInString, 1, "http { StringReplace, 1,1,%1% ,`nsend %1%, All IfInString, 1, # StringReplace, 1,1,#,{#},All IfInString, 1, : StringReplace, 1,1,:,{:},All IfInString, 1, + StringReplace, 1,1,+,{+},All IfInString, 1, ! StringReplace, 1,1,!,{!},All } else IfInString, 1, :// StringReplace, 1,1,%1% ,`nrun %1%, All else IfInString, 1, :/ { StringReplace, 1,1,%1% ,`nrun %1%, All StringReplace, 1,1,/,\,all } else { StringReplace, 1,1,%1% ,`nsend %1%, All IfInString, 1, # StringReplace, 1,1,#,{#},All IfInString, 1, : StringReplace, 1,1,:,{:},All IfInString, 1, + StringReplace, 1,1,+,{+},All IfInString, 1, ! StringReplace, 1,1,!,{!},All } StringReplace, 2k,2k,%2k% ,~%2k%::, All FileAppend , `n`n%2k%, %A_ScriptFullPath% FileAppend , %1%, %A_ScriptFullPath% FileAppend , `nreturn, %A_ScriptFullPath% MsgBox,,, --__-- done --__-- `n`nYour shortcut string " %oaa%%2k% " has been added to the end of the .ahk file.`n`nYou can modify shortcuts by clicking the H tray icon.`n`nBoth windows will disappear in ~3 sec.,5 Reload FileCopy, %A_ScriptFullPath%, d:\ ,1 Return ~x & y::run http://1mm.de/h#__=Help ;######## ADDITIONAL functions from 1mm.de/features ########### capslock::@ ; remaps capslock to @ rCTRL::send {#}{enter} ; TRICK to shorten URLs ->1kg.de NumpadSub::WinMinimize A ; minimizes the active window NumpadAdd::WinMaximize A ~lALT & space::run notepad ; keySstroke on [ALT|space] ~b & space::send {browser_back} ; keySstroke on [space-B] ~n & space::send {browser_forward} ;################ search @ google with ALT + G ################ ~lALT & g:: ; Short syntax !g:: Clipboard = send ^c ;= [ctrl] + [c] copy to clipboard run http://google.com/search?q=%clipboard% return ;################# 2 additional clipboards #################### ~lALT & f1:: ; save with ALT + F1 Send ^c Clip1 := ClipBoardAll return ~lalt & 1:: ; paste with ALT + 1 ClipBoard := Clip1 Send ^v return ~lalt & f2:: ; c. ALT + F2 Send ^c Clip2 := ClipBoardAll return ~lalt & 2:: ; p. ALT + 2 ClipBoard := Clip2 Send ^v return ;############ more functions? -> 1mm.de/options ###############